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Catahoula National Wildlife Refuge

Catahoula NWR Aerial Map

Catahoula NWR Topo Map

Vegetation consists primarily of lowland hardwood forest, subject to annual flooding from Catahoula Lake. The Willow Lake Unit contains several hundred acres of old farm fields which provide habitat for grassland species. White-tailed deer, small game mammals, songbirds, raptors, and waterbirds. Reptiles and amphibians from alligators to cricket frogs also inhabit the refuge. Waterfowl, primarily mallards, are abundant during the winter period, wood ducks reside year-round. Peak waterfowl populations of over 100,000 ducks have been recorded. Duck Lake Impoundment, Cowpen Bayou, Dempsey Lake, Round Lake, Long Lake, and Rhinehart Lake serve as the major waterbodies. Wetlands and open water 1,100 acres; bottomland forest 6,435; shrub land 500; old field/grassland 500 acres.

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